How To Add Tv Shows To Your Kodi Library

Kodi's TV Shows feature allows users to add their favorite TV shows, movies, and other media to the library. It is very easy to do, and you can find more information in our video tutorial below. Basically, adding TV Shows is just like adding any other media to your library - you just have to select the videos from which you want to watch them and drag them into the library.

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how to add tv shows to kodi library

The first step is to create a folder in which you can organize your TV Shows. Make sure that the folder is named 'TV Shows', because Kodi needs to know which show to play. You can also name your folder 'Movies'. Once you have a folder for your TV Shows, click on the + sign in the top right corner, and select Add Video Source. You can then browse to the folder where you have stored your files. The TV Shows will appear on the main Kodi home screen.

Next, you need to create a new folder. This folder should contain only TV Shows, and should not include any other videos. In this folder, you will need to specify the name of the show, the season, and any other information. This will help you organize your media sources in Kodi in the most efficient way. The best way to add TV Shows is to add them as separate folders. You should not have any other videos in your library.

How to Add TV Shows to Your Kodi Library

Once you've added your TV Shows, you need to organize them in a separate folder from your other videos. Once you've done this, you should go to the Add Video Source screen and type in the folder name for your media source. Then, choose the folder that holds the TV shows and click on "OK". The TV Shows folder will appear in your Kodi Library.

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Once you've added your TV Shows folder, you need to import them to the Kodi library. This can be done by simply dragging and dropping the TV Shows folder onto the Kodi home screen. This process will be repeated if you want to add multiple TV shows to your Kodi library. Then, you'll be able to watch them over.

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To add TV Shows to your Kodi library, you need to create a separate folder for them. The folder should be separated from other types of media. If you have a TV Shows folder, it will be automatically listed in your library. When you've added all your TV Shows, you can start watching them. The TV Shows folder will be listed at the top of the list.

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Once you've added your TV Shows folder, you need to create a separate folder for them. These should be in a separate folder from your other video content. Now, when you're ready to add TV Shows to your Kodi library, you need to create a folder for the videos you want to add. Once you've created the folder, you need to select the TV Shows folder.

Once you've added your TV Shows folder, you need to link it to the TV Shows tab on your Kodi Home Screen. To do this, open the Context Menu and click on the TV or Movies tab on the left-hand side. Press the folder name to add it to your library. Once you've done this, you'll be able to add television shows to Kodi.

The most important part of adding TV Shows to your Kodi library is to create a separate folder for them. Using the folder name, you can name the folder Movies and TV Shows and then click on Action. When you click on Movies, you'll see a blank menu item. Now, you've selected TV Shows, and they're ready to be imported into your Kodi library.

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