Chinese New Year Food Secrets

chinese new year food

Chinese New Year has long been celebrated with great gusto and enthusiasm by the people of China. It is one of the most important holidays for the Chinese and is closely linked to the lunar cycles. In fact, the new year is also called the New Lunar Year and is regarded as the start of an exciting new chapter in the life of Chinese. This festive holiday is celebrated with great vigor and enthusiasm all over the country and showcases everything from fowl to vegetarian fare to traditional Chinese delicacies.


The new moon, which is the longest day of the year, is regarded as the starting point of Chinese New Year celebrations. On this day, the Chinese people lavish in all possible ways on their ancestral ancestors' good health and old tradition. This is also the beginning of the harvesting season. Food in general is very extravagant during this time. The lunar new year food is a big feast and traditionally reserved for the new lunar calendar year.


A good number of Chinese New Year Foods make up for a huge feast, which is commonly known as the "Fruit Cake Festival." Millions of people attend celebrations throughout the country, and especially in major cities, where each home is filled with fortune cookies or other chocolates that are handed out as gifts and exchanged between friends and family. At home, small statues of the deities are placed in porcelain dishes, usually representing the blessings of good fortune for the coming year. The "Bamboo Steam Engine" is another important feature of the Chinese New Year celebration. This is a big deal and involves using a big, cast iron pot to boil water over a bamboo steam engine to bring in good luck and prosperity for the coming year. After the water is boiling, small figures of the various deities are placed inside.

Chinese New Year Food Secrets


One of the main staples of chinese new year food is the Chinese New Year fish soup. This is the most popular dish at the reunions and traditionally served after the breakfast. The soup is typically made from white fish and carries a fortune for whoever cooks it. If you want to get lucky, you should be prepared to ask for a large bowl of soup! It is not uncommon to be served an entire pot of soup at a meal for the new year.

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Another popular dish at the Chinese New Year dinners is the Red lanterns. They symbolize luck, prosperity in the new year. There are different types of Red lanterns, with different colors and designs. In addition to being lit during the dinner, these lanterns are also carried on the person as they leave the dinner, signaling good luck for the future. The most popular Red lanterns are the Chinese Red lanterns, which are hung outside for all to see.

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For entertainment at the Chinese New Year feasts, the Chinese people will take part in dances and performances. These entertainments mark the beginning of the celebrations, and many times feature acrobats, musicians and dancers. The foods that they eat during the celebration are also important, as this time of the year brings plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. At the end of the day, the Chinese people will break their fast and consume the fruits and vegetables they were given during the celebration. These traditional Chinese customs form the basis of most Chinese New Year feasts. The eating of fruits and vegetables at the beginning of the fasting is thought to provide the body with much needed energy, as well as rejuvenation from the long days of hard work.

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Eating rice during the Chinese New Year is considered very auspicious, as rice is thought to carry positive energy. However, if you do happen to eat too much rice, it can bring negative energies as well. Chinese people are always told not to eat too much rice, as it is said that too much rice will bring bad luck to the person eating it.


One of the main staples of Chinese new year celebrations is the famous Chinese vegetable, gao pan. This dish is made from porridge or dried noodles, and is usually stir fried. There are many different versions of the gao pan, and one version has become quite popular over the years. It is made from a type of wheat flour, which is spiced with ginger, and black pepper. The dough is then rolled into a ring and then deep-fried, before being cooked in a special porcelain pan, usually decorated with colorful strips of paper.

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