Things You Need To Know About Forming An Llc In Nebraska

nebraska llc

Forming a Limited Liability Company in Nebraska is not difficult. However, you need to remember that it is different from your California LLC. In other words, there are some differences between the two. First of all, in Nebraska the Secretary of State must first be certified before a Limited Liability Company can even be filed. If this process is not followed, the result will be that the LLC will be considered an unregistered agent and the state will effectively deny the LLC's application for tax benefits. Of course, the best way to avoid this situation is to follow the instructions outlined here and file the necessary forms in a timely manner.

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If you have decided to incorporate in Nebraska, you need to first find a qualified tax practitioner who can complete the required forms. You can start your search by visiting the website of a trusted professional such as a CPA. A CPA can help you find the right kind of LLC, complete the paperwork, file the correct forms, and get your Limited Liability Company (LLC) certificate. This will save you a lot of time, money, and stress later on.


The next thing that you must do is decide which kind of LLC you want to set up - a General Liability Company (parent) or a Special Liability Company (sole proprietorship). After making these decisions, you can now file the Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State. Once the Articles of Organization are filed, the company will be formally recognized as an LLC and the LLC will be allowed to perform the business activities that it was created to do. The filing of the Articles of Organization must be done at the office of the Secretary of State in Omaha.

Things You Need to Know About Forming an LLC in Nebraska


After filing the Articles of Organization, you will now have to choose a registered agent who can act as the LLC's agent in all matters related to the business. To do this, you must first verify the mailing address and physical address of the registered agent. Then, once you have confirmed these addresses, choose an alternate postal address. Also, make sure that your registered agent is a resident of Nebraska and has a street address in that state.

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After filing the Articles of Organization, you will now need to incorporate. You must include the name of your LLC, its date of birth, the name of its registered agent, its purpose, and its duration. Also, you must include the duration of which your LLC will operate. The fees that you will need to pay for incorporating your LLC in Nebraska will vary. These fees will also be indicated on the Articles of Organization.

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One of the next things that you will have to do after incorporating your LLC is file a certificate of authority. To do this, you must send in an application to the state of Nebraska. Once the application has been received, you will have up to ninety days to apply for the certificate. Once the application has been approved, you will receive a certificate of authority. Keep in mind that you will need to obtain a copy of this document from the state of Nebraska immediately following the application.

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After the completion of these steps, you will have to file a form known as a "statement of information". This is a one-page form that contains all the information regarding your LLC such as its name, date of incorporation, its address, and its purpose. To file this form, you must send it via certified mail with a request to the state of Nebraska via certified mail that the application should be filed in its electronic format. There is a thirty-day period for filing the statement of information. It is advised that you file this form via certified mail so that your filing can be considered as timely as possible.


These are just some of the many things that you need to know about the process of forming an LLC in Nebraska. Remember that it can take a few weeks before you actually get your newly established LLC registered. However, once you do, you will find that it is quite easy to manage your LLC. Also, do not forget that there is an annual fee attached to the process of forming an LLC in Nebraska.

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